Sunday Magic – Standard Showdown
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May 7, 2017 @ 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Hood River Hobbies
110 4th Street Hood River
110 4th Street Hood River
Sundays at 3:30pm we will host Standard showdown. Free . Bring a standard format deck.
We will have 6 standard showdown packs provided by Wizards of the coast to give out as prizes at each event. The top 3 will be given to the top three winners, and the remaining 3 will be distributed at random to players who have not received a prize pack. There will also be booster packs distributed as prizes – if we do three rounds it will be pack per win (if we do more, it will be adjusted)
All levels and ages are welcome, but no supervision will be provided for children.
What’s in the Standard Showdown Packs?
Standard Showdown: Amonkhet booster packs each contain four cards*:
- 2 rare or mythic rare from a currently legal Standard set
- 1 Amonkhet full-art land
- 1 premium card of any rarity from a currently legal Standard set, including Amonkhet full-art lands
*Standard Showdown: Amonkhet booster packs do not include Masterpieces.-