Gorge Rocket Club
Join the Gorge Rocket Club for exciting Rocketry information and flying, building and joining others in this fun hobby. . This is a sanctioned club through the National Association of Rocketry and logistical support is given by Hood River Hobbies LLC for logistics and Hood River Community Education provides launch sites.
Launches alternate between two sites, Westside Elementary School and Wyeast school (a larger field for larger rockets). Location depends upon the schedule. Sometimes school locations change at the last minute due to sports or maintenance. Please RSVP to let us know you are coming and we will inform you if there are any last minute changes.
Participants are expected to bring their own rocket and engines, but may launch them on the club launcher. We may also schedule periodic build sessions.
All ages are welcome, but adult supervision is required for children and all attending the launch must respect safety protocol and are responsible for maintaining safety rules.
Further details are also available at www.gorgerocketclub.com
Fees for each season are $15 per family or $10 per person which includes all the launches for the season. You may register online at https://hoodriver.cr3.rschooltoday.com/public/costoption/class_id/3150/public/1/sp/HR Community Ed, or bring a check or cash and fill out the form at Hood River Hobbies. For building classes, there will be an additional fee for kit and building supplies..
Dates for spring/summer season. Please let us know via email if you are coming so we can inform you of any last minute unexpected location changes or cancellations due to weather or illness info(at)hoodriverhobbies.com
- March 11 10 am Westside
- March 25 10am Wyeast
- Sat April 8 – Westside
- Sat April 29 – Wyeast
- Sat May 13 – Westside
- Sat May 27 – Wyeast
- Sat June 10 – Wyeast
- Build event at Hood River Hobbies – Sat June 24 11am followed by launch 1pm at Westside- entry level rockets
- Sat June 24 – Westside 1pm
- July 15 Wyeast
- July 29 Wyeast
- Aug 12 Wyeast
- Aug 26 Wyeast
- Sept 16 Wyeast
- Sept 30 Wyeast